Thursday 28 May 2015

Save the Tigers

Hey guys!
So one of my Computer technology assignments was to find a topic for a "Save the {insert word here}" campaign and do research and make a presentation.... I chose Tigers. I honestly had no idea how badly they were endangered until I started to do some research.

There are as few as 3,200 - 1,411 tigers left in the whole world today.

Tigers usually weigh around 657 lb when they are fully grown.

There are tons of different reason the Tiger are becoming extinct like deforestation. But there are really big problem that are happening right now. While you are reading this, Tigers are being illegally bred in China to satisfy the need for the delicacy. If you have ever seen pictures of dog marts and restaurants in China, it's a lot like that.

Tigers are being illegally hunted  and trapped by poachers and skin trades. There are tons of sad stories about a tiger or a cheetah that, having been trapped in a poachers snare, was rescued by a wildlife organization, it's wounds taken care of, and taking a couple months to heal before being released back into the wild just to be captured by poachers a few weeks later.
 Animal skins are very valuable in some places of the world, and with the diminishing 
 number of big cats, the price is rising. 

As you can see, by the year 2020 there probably won't be any tigers left, beside (maybe) a very few privately owned ones.  

Tigers once dominated the world and now there are more privately owned tigers in America then in the actual wildlife.

Panthera is an organization that focuses on saving the big cats of the world. Their goals are saving tigers, cheetahs, lions, every other big cat in the world, whether they are endangered or not.

You can donate to Panthera's Save the Tiger Program here